Apr 3, 2008

Quiet Wonder

This mom and baby pair braved cool weather to model for my Early Motherhood Project (see previous post for details if you are interested in modeling). Just six months old, the baby boy was full of quiet wonder for all the spring beauty around him. And I love how the soft pink and blue hues echo the mother's gentle caregiving.

It's been such an amazing experience meeting moms and taking candid shots of them and their babies. I will be working on this project until the end of this month, April. After that, my new project tentatively called "School Days" will feature school-age children and teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - these are WONDERFUL! You've been able to capture several of his beautiful expressions of joy and curiosity - we'll treasure them forever! You have a great eye for backgrounds and scenery, making use of all the beauty to be found right around the corner (literally!).
